Hi Redorbroder! Good to hear from you again. Sorry to hear you are having issues!
Just to clarify my understanding, you are still using Gadgets 5.5.1, correct?
If so, because you have a new GPU card, you will need to completely reconfigure the HWiNFO sensor IDs for the GPU using the Shared Memory Viewer (SMV). To do this, you can open the GPU Meter Settings and click the links to show the HWiNFO variables file and the SMV. Then, find the GPU variables and update them to match what is shown in the "Sensor ID and instance" values and the individual "Entry IDs" for each item in the SMV.
If your SMV looks like this, for example: Then your configuration would be this:
; sensor ID and instanceHWiNFO-GPU0-SensorId=0xe0002000HWiNFO-GPU0-SensorInstance=0xb; entry IDs; GPU temperature (degrees)HWiNFO-GPU0-Temp=0x1000000
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