Normally, it should be easy indeed:Not as easy as I thought, I thought maybe there was just 1 address line to edit... Looks a lot more complex than I want to bother learning.
Thanks again
- you have to locate the file where the relevant code is, starting from the .ini file of the skin and based on whatever @include lines that exist in the checked files and where they point to
- the relevant code should be a [section] that contains lines like Measure=WebParser and URL=YourFeedLinkHere (or even URL=#SomeVariableHoldingTheFeedLinkHere#)
Then, based on checking for the proper link that gives up to date feeds in the browser, you'd accordingly change either the plain link coming after URL= on that line, or the value of whatever #variable# used there (that variable might be located in one of the @include files, if the said file contains a section called [Variables]).
So, if the issue is indeed the address used to retrieve the feeds, there actually is (or should be) a single line to edit, you just have to find it, that's all. Not incredibly complex either. Image may be NSFW.
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